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10 Most Luxurious Homes in the World

Last year wasn’t exactly the best on record for the prime real estate marketplace, but even as a certain global pandemic extends further into its second year, things seem to be slowly bouncing back. Manhattan and other big cities made a rebound in 2021 as people slowly returned to in-office work, resulting in one of the Big Apple’s best years in terms of luxury sales in well over a decade. Some pandemic trends still persisted, though, like the slew of private islands that returned to market, aiming to capitalize on buyers’ desire to have a paradisal escape in their back pocket in case of future global crises.

One of the biggest changes to look out for next year is the return of buying internationally. As travel becomes more and more commonplace, you can expect to sales of more multi-million-dollar listings in major metropolises. As for 2021, there’s still plenty of incredible homes to choose from. Below, our list of the 25 most expensive homes currently on the market around the world.

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